-Fair elections-Peace through fair treatment of other nations; Millennium Development Goals would be fulfilled: end hunger, universal primary educationmaternal and child health programs, reverse spread of HIV/AIDS and other untreated diseases, gender equality, environmental sustainability for all countries-Urban youth would have hope for a good future-Our mature economy would start acting like a grownup; fairer distribution of wealth-Universal health care-Schools would be havens of creative thinking, not testing factories-Human resource departments would learn that an office cubicle is an unhealthy, inhuman place to spend a day; all jobs would respect the dignity of workers.-People and businesses would cooperate to save the planet, and if they didn't they'd be fined.-For every law Congress passes, they would have to repeal two that no longer serve the American people. (Did anyone else notice that the week gas prices started to decline was the week Congress left for summer recess? And John McCain wanted to call them back?!!)Thanks for all you do, Mr. Moyer.
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